
Poetry – the sea

the sound of the sea lulls calm peaceful warm pause lean inward foreheads rest together toes dig gently into the sand breathe in unison listen to the low vibration to that quiet joy within. J. Belle

Poetry – morning sun

Every day I wake with the ache of a broken heart. Each day I stretch and greet the morning sun. Open my heart refill my cup smile into the world exhale and carry on with my day. That is resilience. J. Belle 🤍

Poetry – pause

cool to touch soft moist quiet refreshing yet grounding and peaceful a moment… J. Belle

Poetry – thoughts

Cool against my temple my mind sways to the rhythm of my breath Thoughts churn and tumble tenderly waiting to escape J. Belle


Birds chirp wings beating in the air a chorus of frogs below squirrels chitter wind rustling through last years leaves reaching out warm sun cool breeze firm yet sways smooth papery to touch yet rough against my forehead pause… a moment. J. Belle

Poetry – a piece

long lines gentle curves slow breath waters ripple that’s all … just a piece of a poem a moment. J. Belle

Poetry – wildflowers

Each petal a memory soft and supple inhale each scent hear them rustle in the breeze I want to lay among the wildflowers basking in their memory their moment filling my senses my mind my heart the depths of what makes me me J. Belle


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